Ack! Due to coincidental circumstances we're dogsitting two extra dogs at once. And one's a LARGE puppy. Whoa. How'd I get roped into this?
But with the price of kennels and some of the scary problems people have had with some local kennels who wants to have them take care of your dog - you don't know the real circumstances of their care, no matter how well you check on them.
The puppy is, well, a puppy. And needs a LOT of training. I've already done a fair amount with her including getting a good start on heeling on a leash, not pulling a toy out of your hand or biting at it, sitting, staying, not jumping, and playing with humans without accidentally biting.
Here's a few pics. The oen above is a bit surprising since the puppy is a bit hard to get to sit in one place (she's the light colored one). The other two are of B'ellana and the puppy playing (B'ellana grudgingly playing with the toy). The puppy kept bringing the toy back to B'ellana afterwards to get her to play tug of war - but B'ellana's a bit of a loner.

Free Topo Contour Maps for GPS
Wow, free 24k+ topo contour maps for my GPS! http://www.gpsfiledepot.com/maps/view/111/
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