Alternate Energy, Global Warming, Blog Action Day
I don't understand it. So much emphasis and controversy is being put on why Global Warming is occurring and whether to blame humankind or a natural phase that the Earth goes through (though fortunately the focus has shifted from whether it's happening) instead of how it is going to affect us and what to do when/if it does, maybe even reverse it?
It IS someone heartening that people are at least getting aware of problems with the world's environment (sometimes they have no choice in the matter).
The big thing this week is the possibility of getting solar power from satellites. The idea has been around for many years, used in science fiction since it was proposed, and has been technically feasible almost since the idea was created (though it's being treated as a new idea). Of course, there's always the concerns of high frequency radiation. A big concern despite the assurances.
What about the other more safe options - like wind power and ground-based solar? Why aren't we working more on increasing the relatively low efficiency of solar cells? The wind turbines that likely will be built in the Cape Vincent area will generate more output then the Maple Ridge ones - but I wonder about the maintenance cost?
My thought has always been that as crude oil increases in price it would force the government, the manufacturers, and the public to work toward alternative energy - improving it, perfecting it, bringing the price of implementing and maintaining it down, and mainstreaming it. This doesn't seem to be the case for the most part.
What should we do, wait until it's too late? My father thinks we need to save and do without, or will have to. I don't agree. Why should we take steps backward when there's plenty of plentiful, cheap, and non-harmful-to-anyone sources of energy all around us?
And remember - today's Blog Action Day, this year the subject is the environment. So write something about the environment - you don't need to be a tree-hugger!
I guess it's like everything else - don't be a fanatic or an extremist; but be aware and do your part.